Sunday, July 24, 2016

Naarden, The Netherlands

It was thanks to Postcrossing that I learned the term 'star fort' cities, and here comes an example of one, Naarden in the Netherlands.

A star fort is a fortification in a style that evolved during the age of gunpowder when the cannon came to dominate the battlefield. It was first seen in the mid-15th century in Italy.

Seems that there are quite a few all over the world and the real impression you can get only from a bird's point of view.

Naarden is a small town, with around 17000 inhabitants and one of the things that caught my eye regarding it is that it is well known as the city where Jan Amos Komensky (Comenius) was buried; visitors can see his grave in the mausoleum devoted to him.
It probably is no big deal to many, but the name of Komensky has been kinda present most of my life cos of a primary school named after him nearby where I live...and I always found the name kinda cool :)

two stamps on the card - the first one shows Queen Beatrix and it is from a set of two stamps issued in 2013, marking the Succession to the Throne by King Willem-Alexander (he can be seen on the other stamp in the set).
The second stamp here is also from 2013 and is from a set of 12 Dutch Windmills' stamps.

Thanks a lot to Alvin for this magnificent card!

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