Friday, March 29, 2019

Krupa, Slovenia

Next is an official card I received from Slovenia - which is really cool since I dont often receive official cards from Slovenia, making it number 32 on the ranking list of countries on my official site
Number one is of course, Germany :)

SI - 179213

Now this is exactly the kind of place I would like to retreat to right now, away from everything and everyone for a while, just enjoy the nature, the fresh air, the sound of birds, and good books. No phone, no internet, no postcards... nothing... just me, myself and I :)

As for the card, it shows the springs of River Krupa, a 2.5 km river in southeastern Slovenia.
The river is protected as a natural monument and has been included in the Natura 2000 ecological network however, it is infamous because of its extremely high pollution with PCBs due to improper handling of PCB waste material which has been used for decades by the capacitor manufacturing company XYZ - will leave the actual name out, i dont wanna be prosecuted for name shaming cos, nowadays you just cant be sure where a thing you had said on the internet will take you to, haha!

the cute birdy stamp is from a set of 5 fauna stamps issued in 2014, showing a cute small falcon called lesser kestrel (Falco naumanni)

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