The story of the American railroad begins here, when Charles Carroll laid the first stone for the B & O Railroad on July 4th, 1828. In 1830, Peter Cooper's efforts produced America's first steam locomotive here. Inside the roundhouse is a famous collection of 50 antique locomotives, Imlay coaches and replicas. In the yard is an impressive display of larger, more recent equipment.
Well, the RR itself was Trains vs UNESCO, so I simply had to sign up...thanks to Jasmin who pointed out at me, otherwise I NEVER would have noticed it...but now im all vigilant when it comes to that RR, in order not to miss something great again.
And I totally love the stamps!! Apart from the 'star' one, which is rather familiar, at the top, first on the left you have a stamp issued in 1994 in a set of two crane stamps, while the other two come from 2000, from a set of 5 Hubble stamps, showing Hubble space images. Arent they all just lovely??
Well, it is a non-working day i better use it wisely...though i have some pending work to do and deadlines to catch.
1 comment:
Great Postcard! If you don't mind, we're going to link this to the official B&O railroad Museum Facebook site, we love old collectibles from the B&O!
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