Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Kroměříž, Czech Republic

The last participant in this RR comes from the Czech Republic...
Apart from the fact i love the view on the card, i love it even more coz the sender, Milan, says that he works as a translator of horror and fantasy (well...i work asa translator as well, but ive never translated horror or fantasy...i have dealt with political philosophy, law, economy, mechatronics, pharmacy, railway, telecommunications issues, but no horror yet :)  And, the thing which probably got my attention the most, is that he says he is a BIG Depeche Mode fan!!! feels sooo nice to learn of other passions other postcard collectors share with me, and finding out of a new DM fan just simply makes me smile big time :D :D :D 

As for the castle on the card, in the second half of the 13th century bishop Bruno of Schaumburk built a Gothic castle here. At the start of the 16th century it was refashioned in the Renaissance style and became the residential seat of the Olomouc bishops. In 1643 the city and castle were damaged by the Swedes and not until the time of bishop Karel Liechtenstein-Kastelkorn (1664 - 1695) was the manor rebuilt. Its construction had lasted for 12 years and was executed according to projects of the significant architects Filibert Luches and Giovanni P. Tencally. The manor is dominated by an 84 meter tower. Behind the structure is a magnificent Under palace Garden, which is still topped by a slightly more distant Flowery Garden with extraordinarily valuable garden architecture. On the second floor of the manor is located the palace picture gallery, being the second most significant in the Czech Republic after the Prague gallery. Within its ten halls visitors can behold paintings of which several are world renowned. Various artists are represented in the gallery, for instance, Lucas Granach Sr., Hans von Aachen, Jacob Basano, Paol Veronese, Tizian (the work entitled "Apollon and Marsyas"), Jan Brueghel senior, Ant. van Dyck, and Johann H. Schönfeld.
And it is a UNESCO whs as well!

Thank you Milan soooo much for both the lovely card and the share of being a DM fan!

well, that would be all for today...ill leave you now so you can Enjoy The Silence ;-)

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