I knew i was supposed to get a card from the US Virgin Islands....what I DIDNT know was that, that card is a MAP.....A LOVELY LOVELY MAP!!! I couldnt believe to myself when i saw this one...I, the map card lover, have a map from the US Virgin Islands!!! I just cant believe it yet...I dont think this is one of those cards you can easily get......and its just....perfect....totally my taste!!
And there is a recipe on the back!! You know, im starting to like these cards with recipes on the back (even though im not sure if im gonna eat it personally or no) but they provide me with nice posting material, and contributes to the variety....i like having variety here!
So, kitchen cleaned, dishes ready and get down to work! oh of course, and get the grocceries first :)
Cornmeal & Okra Fungi (makes 6 to 8 servings)
10 oz. bag sliced okra, 4 C water, 2 C fine yellow cornmeal, 1/2 C butter, salt and black pepper to taste. Cook okra until just tender. Strain well. Set aside. In a saucepan, bring water to a boil. Gradually pour in cornmeal, stirring constantly. Stir in okra. Cook for 3 to 4 mintues until creamy, then add butter, salt and pepper to taste. Serve with Kallaloo.
well, unlike the shark, this is more edible to me, though i had to google for "Kallaloo" coz I have no idea what is it...well, there is NO English-Macedonian translation word for it....at dictionary.com, kallaloo doesnt exist, but callaloo does, which is said to be a Carribean soup, sometimes called pepperpot, where the main ingredient is a leaf-vegetable.
not much more help i can be here....especially since i still dont have the exact notion of what kallaloo actually is.
It would sound more appealing if the word Fungi wasn't in the recipes title. I just get bad images in my brain.
I have no idea what kallaloo is either! But I have heard of pepperpot.
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