Saturday, November 8, 2008

Sigulda, Latvia

My second ever card from Latvia! This feels like a great refreshment in my collection....this is the thing about "new" cards i mentioned above...
Sigulda is a small town, 50km from Riga, and is famous for its nature. One of the examples is The Gutmanis Cave which can be seen on the card. It is the deepest cave in the Baltic Countries, with 19m depth, 12m width and 10m height.
The cave is connected with the old Latvian story of Maija, the Rose of Turaida. 
According to legend she was an orphan girl discovered after a battle and raised by the staff atTuraida Castle. She fell in love with the gardener and they used to meet in the cave. A Polish soldier fell in love with her, but she turned him down. The soldier then tricked her to the cave using a forged letter and there he planned on raping her. In exchange for letting her go she offered him a "magical scarf" that supposedly was impossible to cut through. She offered to demonstrate it and put it around her neck. The soldier cut through it with his sword killing her. According to documents in Sigulda's archives the soldier was later caught, tried and hanged for his crime.

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