Monday, December 9, 2019

Isla de Tabarca, Spain

I don't know if blogger had been messing with the platform, but I just cannot seem to properly adjust the size of images... they either look too small or too big as if there is no in-between which used to seem just right... or maybe it is just me and remembering things the wrong way, heh..

Beautiful view of the small Tabarca island sent by Eva earlier this year.

It is the smallest permanently inhabited islet in Spain and seems that I've been quite nearby during my visit of Alicante (it is actually considered as part of the city) ... just a short ferry trip away...

A beatiful train wagon stamp on the left from 2018, commemorating the 25th Anniversary of the Last Travelling Post Office (that is actually a sad occasion...)
The King Felipe VI stamps are from 2016.

Thank you so much Eva for thinking of me!

1 comment:

Mail Adventures said...

Glad to see this card again!

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