No wonder why i was so delighted and emotionally moved when i received this card not so long ago...even though i think of Edi every now and then, this card brought back a whirlpool of memories.
I got Edi when i was nearly 13 years old, as a present from our next door neighbours who also had a dog called Ares...and Ares was my best friend when i was little coz he constantly played with me, and i was one of those kids who had no fear of dogs but who even dared to taunt him and annoy him (in a nice way) and Ares never got bothered or harmed me in any sort of a way....and due to my love towards him and my love towards animals in general, our neighbours decided to give me one of his could never precisely imagine how i felt back then nor how my reaction is all blurry for me as well, but i know that i was simply overjoyed.
I named him Edi, coz he had to be named with a name starting with the 5th letter from the alphabet...I wanted to call him Erik, but Erik had already been taken, so i went for Edi...
Edi was one of the most loving dogs ive seen....maybe too loving coz he could befriend anyone easily and thats no good when dogs are in question...i dont say that he should have been dangerous and harmful, but he did need some more discipline regarding interaction with other people...well, he needed discipline in general, he was just too playful.
Problem is, i was a bit reckless with him and i didnt really treasure the fact i had him (and here comes the rule that you are never aware of what you have until you lose that). I loved playing with him and all, but i didnt really take much care of him when it came to making him a meal or taking him out for a walk or stuff like that....thats one of the things i really regret, coz if i had him now, he would have been my best companion for a walk at times i need one and i just want to be alone but yet have someone with right now for example...
Unfortunately, i didnt have him for was 9th November 1995 at around 1:30 pm when someone took him away...i never found out who...i was at home when that happened...i heard the front door open and i thought it was the postman (see the irony here?) so of course i didnt really react, but i just waited for him to ring the bell or drop the mail...after several minutes realized it wasnt the postman and i got this bad itch inside my stomach...i ran out, just to see the front door left open...with Edi nowhere in sight...thats how it ended...the fact i didnt react on time is something i will balme myself for the rest of my life...but regrets dont work...if i ever have another dog i would like to be no other kind but a Rough Collie...also known as a Shetland dog...or the most popular, a Lassie...
And here is Edi..this is probably my most favourite picture of him...coz he stood still while i was taking this photo even though i know he was annoyed with those glasses on him...but he was a poser sometimes...and i loved him for that...and for enduring my nonsense esp. at times i was bored...
and here below are some more pics related to Edi's father, Ares...when i was little my mum simply constantly took photos of me and of what i did...half of the pictures i have in general, include a dog or a cat in them...surprises you?! :)
The cat on the following two pictures was also my neighbours' and when she had kittens, Ares was the one who looked after them and who was carrying them around....I was amazed
this is Ares, and me.....and my mum
another one in our backyard...
the only point about this photo is the thing im holding in my hands...i was visiting my ganrdparents (on the picture) at this place they were staying on vacation and on our way there at one place i found a postcard with a Lassie...i wasnt just thrilled and happy...i was the most proud kid in the world can see it from my face and how im showing off the card....just please, no comments on my hairstyle :P
I dont know if Edi is still alive or is peacefully sleeping in Heaven....i just hope that he had a good life and wasnt ill-treated.....I hope he knows i awfully miss him ;-(
happy birthday Edi! :)
I can tell he was your bestest friend!
p.s. haven't seen you on the forum lately.. how have you been?
Ana, what a very sad and beautiful story about your wonderful dog. I am an animal lover too, and I can't imagine how sad you must have been when you found that Edi was missing. We have two cats and a dog, and I'd be so sad without them. Thanks for sharing! :)
What a touching story, Ana. and the pictures are too cute:)
I've never had a dog...
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