regular cards today.....
But i came across some of old birthday cards i have, and couldnt resist post this one....relates my sense of humour :)
It was given to me by one of my friends few years ago...for some, they may take the greeting wrong if given such a card or so...but since its someone ive known almost all my life...the joke is right on its place.....or maybe it aint a joke :)))))
either way, i just wanted to do something to commemorate the parties, no cakes or stuff, im not that kind, plus ive got old for that...this is...well, perfect :)
see you soon!
It's still July 28 here in Portugal, so i'm still on time to send you my happy birthday greetings or as we say in portuguese: Parabéns and feliz aniversário.
thanks a LOT dear Marta! :)
Happy Birthday! :) Wszystkiego najlepszego z okazji urodzin! :)
(I'm sorry that I couldn't send you greetings yesterday, because I spent the whole day abroad)
no need for apologies dear Ksenia....its the thought that counts, doesnt matter if its early or late :)
Thank You!
Hey Ana!
(Belated) happy birthday! Reading your post, I remember the birthday card which my siblings and I gave to our mom a few years back. On the front of the card read: THIS IS GOING TO BE YOUR LAST BIRTHDAY. It was, of course, not meant that way because on the inside it read: FOR THIS YEAR. When my mom read the fromt of thecard, I noticed she was shocked. But of course not after she read the message inside.
So sorry I haven't been here for a while. I went on a trip to the countryside for a few days. I sure wish the trip was for a vacation but it wasn't---it was stil work. Anyway, the new environment somehow helped me feel refreshed :)
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