Vukovar is a city and municipality in eastern Croatia and the biggest river port, located at the confluence of the Vuka river and the Danube. The name Vukovar means "the town on the river Vuka" ('Vuko' from the river Vuka, and 'vár' from the Hungarian word for 'castle'). The name of the river Vuka itself originates from the Slavic word 'vuk', meaning 'wolf'. (In Macedonian, the word for 'wolf' is 'волк' (volk))
The first thing that rings a bell at mentioning Vukovar, is the war in Croatia.....during that, i kept hearing the name of Vukovar on daily basis, on the news or unfortunately, i cant say i have nice images about the place, since to me, it always is related to war.
Regarding the war in Croatia, Vukovar is notorious for the devastation it suffered, the worst in Europe since World War II. It is estimated that 2,000 defenders of Vukovar and civilians were killed, 800 went missing and 22,000 were forced into exile.
Unfortunately, those notions have sank deep inside my mind, so its rather hard to relate Vukovar to some other stuff except, war, battles, massacres.....sad.
Draga Ana! Ja sam se jučer vratila iz Vukovara. Moj muž je od tamo. Vukovar je stvarno preljep grad.
Vukovar je u velikoj mjeri obnovljen, a ni u najmanjoj mjeri nema onog šarma kojeg je imao prije 1991. godine. Grad živi u suživotu Hrvata i Srba, ali se osjeća u zraku da je to "umjetno" i da nije to zato što bi oni tako htjeli.
Vukovar je bio srpski grad,1945 su ga Hrvati prisvojili uz pomoc komunista.
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