I think i probably have a quite tricky and complicated taste for cards....well at least for those which dont show cityscapes or nature or in general, the traditional touristic cards....i really love cards like this as well, though i do need to take a look at them first and see if the "cool-cards-detector" is going to get activated or no.....on this one, got activated at an instant while i was actually supposed to choose some German UNESCO :) So yeah, I gave up a UNESCO card for this :)
Btw, my wonder is, whats the starting point on the card...definitely not Europe (I mean, take a look at how much its gonna take you to get to Hamburg!) and according to some logic, it is somewhere in Australia due to the vicinity of Sydney....now, thats IF the distances on the signs are accurate....well even if they're not, the card is still totally cool and worth having! :))
hi! i bloghopped from iPost.
i've seen signs like this in the self-proclaimed center of the universe: fremont neighborhood in Seattle, Washington State, USA. Yeah... now, I want to visit the sign and take a picture of it and make it my postcard. :D
yep, cool card.
hey! if you ever make that kind of a postcard, think of me, please! :))
I'm glad that you liked my card :) Yukiko
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