Monday, July 7, 2008

Christchurch, New Zealand

Being not so far away from Bali, New Zealand is the next stop....

I cant say more except that i absolutely love the view on this just....lovely!

Located on the east coast of the South Island, Christchurch - just like the rest of New Zealand - is a city of contrasts.
It is a place where its residents continue to enjoy a healthy, active lifestyle amidst a natural environment world-renowned for its beauty. A growing cosmopolitan ambience also adds a touch of excitement without overt flashiness.
Everywhere there is an understated elegance that speaks of times gone by and promises a future where anything is possible.
The river which flows through the centre of the city (its banks now largely forming an urban park) was named Avon (on the card) at the request of the pioneering Deans brothers to commemorate the Scottish Avon, which rises in the Ayrshire hills near what was their grandfathers' farm and flows into the Clyde.

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