
Tuesday, January 7, 2014


Welcome welcome to the opening of Season 2014 on Ana's postcard blog! I truly hope that this season will be more fruitful than 2013, with many many great postcards shown here (and bragged about :P)

And also Merry Christmas to all my Orthodox friends who (like me), are celebrating Christmas today.
If I haven't told you before, the whole fuss is more focused on New Year's Eve, not so much on Christmas...and personally, I do not really care much about either honestly...Im just not fond of such *must* celebrations...though I must admit I did have a fabulous time for New Year's Eve...the guy at the place where we were celebrating tried so hard to find me a Depeche Mode song...all he managed was some Personal Jesus remix, but even that was cool =)

2014, postcards-wise, has started really slow...way too many non-working days already...but Im really really looking forward to tomorrow, with so much hope that my mailbox is going to be FULL! High stakes, I know, but Ive so much missed getting lots of mail! And sending it as next to me lies a nice pile of cards that is off to the PO tomorrow...wohoooo! =)
And thank you all for staying faithful through all these years! Hope to still be seeing you in 2014 as well :)

And now down to some cards...all received in 2013..(I dread at the idea of having to open a new box for the 2014 previous years are already a mess of their own =)

Anyways, my first card for today is this super cool map of is an old map made by the French Geographic Society in 1758. If I understood it correctly, it has rivers, forts, islands, ports..and some other points marked. As Olga says, nowadays, most of the names marked on the map have stayed the same.
I've already written about Guadeloupe in general in my first post here

as for the stamps, they are French of course...and just before posting this card I was wondering how one actually can be sure it was mailed from Guadeloupe or any other of those French territories using French stamps....well, see that number on the cancellation, 37752A? That is the key :)

as for the stamps, the horse stamp comes from a set of 12 plough horses stamps issued in 2013, where on this one you can see the Le Cob Normand horse. The other one is from the green vegetables series issued in 2012 in a set of 12, with this one showing the Lamuyo pepper.

Thanks a lot Olga for the great card and lovely stamps!

1 comment:

Romanek said...

Thank you Ana for wishes. I wish you Happy New Year and many nice cards too.

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