
Tuesday, January 7, 2014


A really cool card I received in one of the RR's on the forum

I do not know where over Belarus this exactly is, but I love it! Gets my adrenaline buzz so high!
Ive never been skydiving or parachuting or so, even though I would LOVE to...the closest Ive been to is, being a passenger in one of those small Cessna aircrafts...and that was pretty cool, but still, skydiving is soo much cooler! The problem with me is that Im somewhat anxious and impatient and just want to get down to the activity immediately, skipping months of all sorts of preparations...and probably that is why I often get discouraged or put off to do some things in life...cos I want it right here, right now..should change that attitude...seriously....

a cool leopard stamp, showing the Amur leopard...a stamp from a set of 4 stamps representing the Zoos in Belarus, issued in 2013. I love the leopard dots on the sheet margins (or however that one was mind is just blocked now)

1 comment:

Bryon D said...

What a great postcard! I was lucky enough to do one jump many many years ago. Took the lessons for weeks and them alas, got the one jump in out of one of those small Cessna's. Never continued the sport as life and responsibilities happened but it was a wonderful rush!

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