
Thursday, January 26, 2012

Cups and Mugs

I decided to close this update with something nice and colourful..

a really GORGEOUS postcard showing various coffee-cups and mugs (of course, you can use these for tea as well..)
Did you know I collect mugs? Yup..that's one of the things which causes HUGE problems regarding free-space around the room, since i have more or less, around 200...can you imagine keeping 200 mugs at one place? I often struggle with it and often end up having nowhere to put other stuff somewhere coz of it (and i must add that postcards give me the same headaches too :P). And just like with postcards, i cant get enough of them and keep getting more and more...though of course not with the same intensity as before...I cant pick a favourite....often it depends on my mood and on what im drinking....some feel perfect for coffee, others for tea...some feel good on rainy days, others have a sunshine personality....and of course, it is good when you have actually plenty to choose will always find something to match up the current situation.

as for the ones on the card....they are just all sooooo lovely, i cant pick a favourite...would love to have them all!!


Heather said...

I love this postcard-it's awesome!

Lisa B said...

Lovely postcard. 200 mugs is a lot! I agree collecting takes up a lot of space.

Anu said...

I've got this postcard, too, I love it!

I hadn't realised you collect mugs! 200 is a pretty impressive amount :D

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