
Thursday, January 26, 2012

Posázavský Pacifik, Czech Republic

Here is a lovely official card I received!


The card shows the Posázavský Pacifik train, which according to the sender is a very famous and old train that runs through the romantic valley of the river Sázava.
So it is not really something you would take for a long trip, but it would be nice to have a chance to get on it for a nice scenery exploration.

Here's a summary what you might expect....just dont forget to wave to the passers-by :)

The A-stamp, at the top left, was issued in 2011 in a set of 2, representing Folk Architecture. The one next to it is a Soldier Schwejk stamp (this reminds me of my childhood) issued in a set of 3 in 1997, while the flower one is a definitive from 2010

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