
Monday, March 19, 2018

Fort Steele Historic Town, Canada

To the stamp lovers, with a faint heart, after the previous post, you may want to close your eyes on this one too..if you are a Star Trek fan on top of it all, then just proceed at your own risk... don't say you haven't been warned :))

A fantastic card from one of Bryon's trips to Canada, showing a vintage train in Fort Steele, which is located in the South Kootenays, about 20 km NE of Cranbrook B.C. This train was built in 1923 in Canada and used in logging on Vancouver Island until 1960. To make this train functional again, the water boiler was rebuilt in 1975 by retiree H. Hawkins. The train is dedicated to all the craftsmen who designed, built and maintained "iron steam horse" locomotives.

and here we are at the scene of the crime. Do you see the felony here? Monstrous! Let the people decide what kind of punishment this kind of uglification deserves. I bet Canada post made an effort to issue this so that it can end up being crossed out with black pens.
Issued in 2016 to commemorate the 50th Anniversary of Star Trek - this is one of the several sheets, portraying the U.S.S. Enterprise NCC-1701 & Klingon Battle Cruiser


Bryon D said...

Well it looks like it is Bryon Day here so he owes at least a comment or two I imagine. Yes those pen scrawled stamps are an atrocity i agree to the fullest. They are technically an accepted method of postmark in most countries I hear but so unnecessary! In my experience there seem to be three most often offending nations and sadly mine is one of them. With nice stamp issues I’m trying to make an effort to get to a post office and ask for hand cancelling but sad to say the occasional card will slip through the cracks and get pen mutilated.

agi said...

it really is a crime...

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