
Wednesday, February 17, 2016

Kriegslok 33-248, Bosnia and Herzegovina

This card arrived as a surprise from Chris from his trip to Bosnia...

I am still in awe at how he managed to find a train postcard in Bosnia..I mean ok, knowing Chris and what he does and all, this shouldn't be a surprise to me..but you dont really get to easily find train postcards in Bosnia for example...or I might be wrong that I've mentioned it, I have received another train card from Bosnia before...ahh, ok nevermind..

"2015 - Real steam still operates to bring coal from Bosnia's open-cast coal mines to the machine junctions: German-built "Kregslok" No. 33-248 takes empty wagons from Lukavac back to Sikulje Coal Loader on 21 September 2014."

and a bunch of lovely stamps...all from 2015 (issued by the BH Post)

The triangular one commemorates the 3rd UN World Conference on Disaster Risk Reduction - Sendai, Japan. The berry stamps also form a whole set and you have a blackberry, a raspberry and a currant...and frankly I am terrible in remembering the names and respective translations whenever it comes to berries...

Thank you Chris!!

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