
Tuesday, January 19, 2016

Pitcairn Islands

It is one of those national religious holidays here that I only appreciate when Im working and therefore I have a day off....but since right now im jobless, this day is just like any other day, and on top of it all, post offices are not working, so no incoming mail, no outgoing mail....

and for some reason it is also one of those days when from the moment you wake up, nothing feels or goes right and you start questioning your future and the true faces of the people you are surrounded with and who your true friends are and all the lost chances of the past...not that those issues dont pop up on other days too, but on days like this one they somewhat dont feel right and with no good perspective and blah blah blah.....yeah, too much of a useless let's cheer myself up with some postcards :D

and first comes a card I received as a TOTAL surprise last year from dear Anu! She was so kind to arrange this card for me that I dont know how to thank her enough! You know, a while before this card arrived she actually asked me if I had maybe receive a card from this small island...but not in my wildest dreams I thought that the particular island would be the Pitcairn Island! (frankly, my mind thought it may be some Finnish....but boy I was so so soooo wrong :D )

As a postcard collector, you have most probably heard about the Pitcairn Island so is one of the four islands that consist the Pitcairn Islands, and only this one is inhabited...and it is 56 people in total right now, all descending from four families - I've always wondered how those people manage to live in such a small population in a place that is like cut off from the rest of the world...on one hand it is fascinating...on the other...I remember a few years ago I had read about the sexual assaults against a few men from the island and a few from abroad, and they were all convicted for sexual assaults with children...=/

another interesting fact about the Island, I came across it at Radim's blog, is that the Philatelic Bureau of the Pitcairn Island is actually located in Wellington, NZ - here, see for yourselves :)

 Pitcairn Islands Philatelic Bureau

whoops, I got carried away with so many other details that I havent told you what you can see on this card here....and here on the small pictures, from left to right, you can see The Down Rope, which is a small sandy beach on the southeast coast of the Island. At the base of the cliff there are ancient petroglyphs engrave and carved into the rock wall
The middle picture shows the Christians Cave, a dominant feature on the cliff face above Adamstown. The triangular shape appears to be deeper than it actually is because of the strong dark shadows on the cliff face.
The third picture shows the Landing, which I think is the place for the landing of boats.

well even though the philatelic bureau may be in NZ, that doesnt not mean this card has no beautiful stamp and a great and clear postmark...on the whole contrary!
I've browsed their issues, and boy, they have fantastic ones! This one is from a set of 6 Tourism stamps issued in 2013, representing the ship landing point, Bounty Bay.

Thank you so so soooo much again Anu for this most amazing surprise!!


Scriptor Senex said...

What a great addition to your collection!

Anu said...

I'm just glad it arrived and that you like it :)

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