
Sunday, September 21, 2014

Arlington National Cemetery, USA

The initial idea about this post was quite different...since I thought I had never posted about the Arlington National Cemetery before (even though my gut feeling was telling me otherwise, but the tags on the left were like trying to prove me wrong).
Turns out I really really should trust those gut feelings of mine...cos they just prove to be right...and the reason why i overlooked the Arlington tag here was cos I was looking for it under Washington D.C and not under Virginia as the other Alrington post is...but these cards can be sooo confusing sometimes...cos both that are shown here, bear the name of Washington D.C on the back...tsk tsk tsk...what a mislead!!
Well, frankly I was too lazy to search and scan and upload something else, so here we have two cards of the Arlington National Cemetery...this time under the tag of both Virginia and Washington D.C..but dear USA postcard printing companies, please make up your mind on such issues in the future so to avoid such confusions...thank you very much


Both cards arrived in 2012...the first one as an official...the text on the back reads:

Arlington Mansion and 200 acres of ground immediately surrounding it were designed officially as a military cemetery June 15 1864, by Secretary of War, Edwin M. Stanton. More than 260,000 people are buried at Arlington Cemetery. Veterans from all the nation's wars are buried in the cemetery, from the American Revolution through the Persian Gulf War and Somalia. Pre-Civil War dead were reinterred after 1900.

the three smaller stamps I guess are more than familiar...the bigger one doesn't appear so often on my mail..theYear of the Dragon stamp issued in 2012.

the other one arrived from Swantje for the WOTM lottery...boy, that seems to have been so so long ago!!
Again, from the backside: The Memorial Amphitheater at Arlington National Cemetery was dedicated on May 15, 1920 (here is that tricky word 'dedicated' again...thanks to Bryon for the prior clarification!))
While many ceremonies are conducted throughout the country, many consider the services at Arlington's Memorial Amphitheater to be the nation's official ceremonies to honor all American service members who serve to keep the United States free.


some more nice stamps! (incl. the American Clock and the Toleware)...Here you can also see the nice Bonsai stamp from the set of 5 Bonsai Tree stamps issued in 2012, with this one showing the Black Pine. The other one is the Neon Celebrate stamp issued in 2011.

so, that would be all for today folks...hope you had a nice summer in general, and you are now ready to embrace the lovely autumn days and their beautiful colours!

Stay well!

1 comment:

Bryon D said...

I have been to Arlington National Cemetery only once. Beautiful but somber place. I love those bonsai stamps, wish I had more of them to use.

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