
Tuesday, August 12, 2014

Belgrade, Serbia

...and a week later, the concert in Belgrade was on schedule...unlike the one in Sofia, here I stayed for a few days with my uncle, and his family, so it was also a great way to enjoy some bits and pieces of lovely Belgrade..the bronchitis was still nasty though...I could perfectly tell it when i was running for the first row..I could barely catch my breath...but thank God my cousin did her job perfectly well (well it was me who convinced her we should get fan pit tickets and get early at the venue...and she never regretted that ;-))

another awesome performance by DM...and for me, better than the one in wasn't raining for starters...and somehow I felt emotionally different...and when the concert ended I just started crying..unlike in Sofia when I was just 'oh wow, that was great'...I didn't get that emotional cos I was aware that another concert is coming...but now in Belgrade I was all like 'damn, this is the last one, I won't see them again...won't get the chance to experience all this again...yeah, like a girly teenager who has a crush on some celebrity...just that here I have a crush on an entire band and their music...and such a farewell is much harder to deal with..blah blah blah...:)

Well, once the concert was over, Belgrade brought a bunch of more chill out and relaxing moments...I just love going to the city centre...sitting down in some cafe..munching on some cake or pizza or slurping down some nice coffee or shake...and just observing the people around...something that for some reason i never feel comfortable doing here, but abroad it's all fine...stupid mentality id say

Belgrade inevitably brings some evil acts and attacks with my partner in crime...and this time was no exception, te-he-he :D

And of course, had to shoot a missile my way as well...was wondering what would be the most appropriate...and in the end I chose this card because it does show the place where the concert was held...I mean, what more could I have asked for? Plus, it wasn't that easy to find a Belgrade card I don't already have, khm khm khm :))
So here I can remind myself that i was eating a marzipan cake during this meeting...yumm yumm least my partner in crime has resisted smudging some cake over the we have the habit to do sometimes :P :D

The time was passing by, I was getting better and better...barely any traces of my bronchitis...and...regrets started of why I havent booked a ticket to Zagreb...Zagreb was few days later...and I could have simply gotten on the bus or train in Belgrade and go there..but nope, I missed the opportunity...first the excuse was, ok Ana, set some limits, two concerts are enough...then it was, well, no, two concerts are not enough, but in this condition, I rather be home...and of course, another wasted opportunity...down to this day I still regret the decision, but oh well, I'll know better next time...hoping that there will be a next time :)

I still cant believe it that I got to hear "Only when I lose myself" was like a dream come true..since this is the only one of the concerts that I attended, where Martin performed this one...sorry for the audience noise..but that's how things go with such concert videos...for an amateur video, the quality of the picture is great..not too much shaking or anything

of course, the card came with a stamp...I may be rambling here about concerts and all, but lets not forget the stamps...this one comes with the 2013 Lunar horoscope issue, for the Year of the Snake

hugs to my partner in crime for the great time spent...and all those fun evil plans :D


Bryon D said...

Very enjoyable posts reading about your DM global adventures and of course seeing the resulting postal posts along your route, especially when combined with your Belgradian cohort. Glad you are long over your bronchitis, that is miserable stuff, annoying at a minimum. Happens to me usually once a winter or so.

Ana said...

been a long while since my Belgradian cohort and I have joined must be enjoying your peace of mind =)

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