
Thursday, May 1, 2014



Ha! Hope this new post didnt scare you off and that you are still here...nope, you are not mistaken, you are at the right place (probably), and here indeed, after a few months hiatus, is a new post! Yes, seriously! April Fool's day is long time gone...Ana finally managed to get back here.
Why such long silence you may ask....oh well, I dont know anymore...a lot of reasons...a lot of things have been happening, and frankly for a long while I was questioning what's the purpose of writing this blog and if any..with all the things going on, all of a sudden I couldnt find the purpose anymore in having this blog...I was just wondering if I should call it quits...but well, Im glad I really shouldnt do things in affection and regret them yeah, the blog is still in existence, and coming back to life now...probably after the longest silence it has endured...ever!
Cant say im really happy about it, but I guess it just was inevitable to happen..but in honour of labour's day, here is some labour from my side and that is, putting my efforts in posting a few cards here =)
I also hope that I've finally manged to send out everything, cos besides with posting, I've also gotten really really behind in sending my cards since my motivation usually equaled zero =/  But if you are still waiting for something from me, just let me know...I am a bit lost on the issue.
I've also been out of the entire blogosphere, so sorry for not really being up-to-date with your posts and blogs..Ill try to catch up with it in the following days as well...

You know what's one of the biggest problems when not posting for so long? That you feel totally out of shape about it and that makes you prolong it even more...then you have no idea what to post, because soo many cards have piled up...but once you start, it just gets you going by itself, and eventually you realize you are typing your first post...yay!!

Well, I've chosen a couple of cards for today...and for starters I'll go with two cards from Morocco...why Morocco...I received two cards from there in the past months...and that made me realize that first of all, in my entire blogging career I have posted just one single card from Morocco...and that single Moroccan card is not even written and stamped!! So the justice had to be done since I have a number of written and stamped cards from here we are, with two Moroccan cards for today.

This one arrived recently from Eva, with whom the swap was initiated since we both love Escher, and we both have happened to attend a multimedia exhibition of his in Granada back in August 2012....who knows, we maybe were there on the same day and at the very same hour as well, but we didnt know each other, so who knows...but things like this make you shudder at how small this world actually is!

And she sent me this lovely market card...i love such every-day-life cards even though I probably wouldnt need anything from here, but im sure id enjoy walking around a market like this...they are always bustling with life and have this particular charm that no modern place does..yeah, i do dislike shopping and window-shopping as well in those modern shops and malls..but leave me at a market like this and I could forget myself. Though I cant say Im really immune to the consumerism in general...but I am working on it.

the stamp is a definitive issued in 2001, showing king Mohammed VI

well my other Moroccan card is from 2011, when dear Agi went on a trip there...yep, 2011, and I still havent posted it, despite having no w/s Moroccan card on the blog.....fool fool fool!

and that's such an amazing card! Im posting it along since it is also a card showing people...this time not at a market but enjoying a delicious couscous...thinking about it, i cant say for sure I have tried a couscous in my life...but Id definitely would love to...esp. some traditionally prepared one...I mean, you can buy bags of couscous in the market to prepare it at home, but that's just NOT it...traditional and on spot is always the best!

Agi's stamp is also from 2011, issued for the solidarity week.

Edited: had to edit this post and include this card from Jean Pierre...a feeling kept bugging me ever since I published this a few hours ago and after a small check, it proved right...I did have another card indeed to fit in today's post...a food market this time

yes, everything is right there, on a piece of cloth or plastic in the middle of the street..fresh fruits and vegetables...I always prefer buying fruits and vegetables in the green markets, but I often end up doing it in the grocery stores since I either do it late in the afternoon evening, or I just know I can find it all at one place...not often you can find avocados at the green markets for example =/

Jean Pierre used a stamp issued in 2011, for the National Campaign on the Millennium Development Goals.

Jean Pierre and ladies, thank you all for the amazing cards! Love them!!


Leslie said...

Hey you!! I'm very happy to see a post from you on my blog subscription feed --- and I don't care how much time has passed since your last post, and I don't think anyone else cares, either!

I hope you've been well, and I hope that all the stuff that kept you busy was at least SOME **good** stuff and not all bad stuff!


Ana said...

aww, thank you so much for the kind words dear...that means so much to me! ♥ I hope you're doing well! Havent really been around for a while to know whats going on

well, good or bad stuff, they all happen for a reason, one just needs to stay positive and with an open mind to the world :)

thanks so much again for dropping by!

Gem from Airdrie said...

Hey Ana, welcome back . I usually check your blog pretty much every day, and if there's no new update, I just think , well maybe tomorrow. Now , tonight, I near fell off my chair, on seeing this new update. Take care, and if at all possible, don't give up the blog totally, I mean where would I get my inspiration. Love to read you.

Bryon D said...

Very nice to have you back again Ana. While I may not quite check your blog every day as Gem does, there is the possibility I do it 4-5 times per week :) Love the Moroccan postcards, great color and wonderfully interesting.

luvlinens said...

Good to see you back in great form. Beautiful cards and great stamps. I thought everyone loved Escher. No?

Ana said...

haha, thanks guys! you really are kind! seriously, it's heartwarming to know that people do follow what's going around here and that they like reading this blog...always gives a motivation to keep going! so stay tuned for some more posts ;-)

Mail Adventures said...

I'm glad to see the postcard here again (and some Moroccan stamps I'm unable to find!).
Best wishes form Morocco, where we buy vegetables form the ground... :D

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