
Monday, January 20, 2014

Grand Barachois, St. Pierre and Miquelon

When last time I asked about where my next new country will be from and who would be responsible for that, not in my wildest dreams I thought i would get the answer the very next day! And certainly couldn't have imagined it would be THIS very country!
My postman may be coming like once a week, but he certainly has found his ways of getting away with it by bringing me great mail...and boy, this last Saturday was one of the most fantastic mail days EVER!

He came in the morning and brought me a batch of great stuff, both cards and envelopes...and then, like 15 min. later he came back again, cos another stack of cards has somehow fallen down in his bag...and among that second batch was THIS very card! I can't even come close to describing you my reaction..and joy...and  how overwhelmed I felt...and, there are no words to describe such a moment...cos, how often do you get a written and stamped postcard from a country like St. Pierre and Miquelon??!!!  And here I am, the proud owner of one!! Coffee aside! Coffee aside!! I can't possibly afford to get this one ruined due to my clumsiness....

And just look at those adorable faces looking at you! *Hello to you too guys*!! Gray seals! Enjoying themselves at Grand Barachois, which is a large natural lagoon in Saint Pierre and Miquelon, lying immediately south of Miquelon Island, and is formed largely by the 12 kilometre-long tombolo of La Dune.

And the 'guilty' one for this is the JP fairy! Thank you thank you thank you thank you again JP! You are just awesome!!
I think that each one of my fairies has made me go nuts with happiness at least twice :D

and didn't take too long to get from there! Just a bit over a month.
And there you have it...the SPM stamp...the SPM cancellation...ahhhh, joys of life!
The SPM stamp on the right is from a set of two Sea Mammals' stamps issued in 2004. This one here shows a Harbour porpoise (Phocoena phocoena).
The other one is a French definitive showing Marianne, issued in 2013

ahhh...ok, you can be a bit jealous on this one =)


FCpostcrossing said...

Very nice! JP uses such nice stamps

agi said...

stvarno super! bas san osjetila malo tog uzbudjenja samo citajuci o tome ;)

Bryon D said...

What a treasure!!!

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