
Tuesday, November 5, 2013

Upper Shoal Bay, Anguilla

have I told you it has become really cold here...just overnight? Yeah, as usual...until few days ago I was wearing short I need my winter jacket...and one way of surviving the cold gloomy days is...dreaming of the opposite...and if the opposite is something exotic and rare in the form of a postcard, it makes it even better! ok, the cons are that one may get frustrated for not being able to go here anytime in the near future....though I may turn to that Canadian Superman to help me on this one :P
Superman knows no borders, right? and can get anywhere on this planet in like a jiffy...we have to turn mailbox attacks into something useful eventually :))))))))))))))

Anyways, trying to be serious here...this beauty shows us the Upper Shoal Bay in is a part of the Shoal Bay (the other part obviously being Lower Shoal Bay) and these two are separated by a curved point of the beach rightly called "the bend"....hmmmmm....
It is said that the "lower" part of the beach is the one usually occupied by swimmers, snorkelers etc...while the "upper" part is the undisturbed one....well, it definitely looks that way...boy, the tranquility I've been longing for for so long....

oh beautiful stamps....they remind me of anything but the gloomy winter...and what a great clear cancellation!

the beautiful butterflies were issued in 2006 in a mini sheet of four stamps. The WWF one shows us a green turtle from a set of 4 stamps issued, 1983! This one took me by surprise...I mean, there is no actual reference what a 1983 stamp should look like, but I expected it to be a more recent one, due to colours and quality and all...I think I have established myself some strange criteria stamps-wise

and before I end this post...huge thanks to JP for the beauty! I shouldn't underline Im envious he's actually been here :)


agi said...

Uff koje markice,prva liga :)

asdfpostcrossing said...

wwwwwwwwwwwwwwowwwwww cooool congrats :D

Bryon D said...

Well I am not sure even a Canadian Superman could get you into that beautiful Anguilla scene today but we certainly can imagine can't we? The closest I've ever been to a scene like that was maybe a Florida beach many years ago. Very pretty stamps too!

Unknown said...

Like available 1300 numbers post cards are also very important for communication purposes.

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