
Thursday, October 11, 2012

Maasai People, Tanzania

it's been quiet around here..I know..mainly due to work...I had to be often out of town, and the little time i had left when I was at home, again there was a lot of work...and when you add some private issues to all that, you end up without blogging for over a month...not that I haven't been receiving cards over this period as well, I have...just didnt have the chance to post some of them...and honestly, there are so many, that I even have no idea what is it all that I had received...but it is all great fantastic cards and loads of surprises, some of which ill try to show in the next days...hopefully :) Well, at least until 28 October I will be in town...then we again have another cycle of moving around...and then the project if someone has a good job offer, let me know :)

and first lets kick this update off with a card that arrived a few months ago, but unfortunately, it is just now that it sees the light of the day...and it is actually a new w/s country in my collection!!! Thanks to Sergey an Daria who visited this country during the summer.
I always wonder about those African countries and if cards are gonna make it..but seems that some of them do have a good postal service implemented and cards actually reach in a very reasonable time!

And what a great card it is!

This, uhmm, lady(?) comes from the Maasai people, which are a Nilotic ethnic group of semi-nomadic people located in Kenya and northern Tanzania. They are among the best known of African ethnic groups, due to their distinctive customs and dress and residence near the many game parks of East Africa.
As for the dress, I can definitely for the residence...this picture is supposed to be taken at the Ngorongoro Crater...whoops, wait! Is this actually a UNESCO whs?? Hmm, but ok, since you cant possibly see a stone of the area, I dont think I can label this as UNESCO...hmm, pity =/
Ok, nevermind....I was saying..oh yeah..the Maasai people...did you know that their diet consists mainly of  raw milk, raw meat, blood, some fruits and vegetables? And yet, most tribes were reported to be disease-free. Many had not a single tooth attacked by dental caries nor a single malformed dental arch. In particular the Maasai had a very low 0.4% of tooth caries.
So you can just imagine what all that industrially-processed food does to the human body...and all you get to hear about is cancer...well, no surprise...

as i said, the card was mailed directly from Tanzania, and has a great stamp on it, issued in 2010 in a set of 11 stamps showing wild you can see the Migrating Gnus.

thanks a lot again to Sergey and Daria for such a great contribution to my collection!

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