
Sunday, April 1, 2012

Osorno Volcano, Chile

well, finally, the silence can be broken! And no, this is not an April's Fools Day is indeed an update :)
Honestly, it is very hard for me to realize that it actually took me an ENTIRE month without an update! must be my record so far (to which im not proud)...but March was simply an extremely busy month, with loads of work to do and a number of other issues....that in a way, im glad it is over
Also mail was VERY slow in March...both ways! I dont know the particular reason behind this, but it definitely annoyed me...i mean, you come home and you are looking for a small dose of happiness...but your mailbox keeps being empty...for days...for a I really hope April is gonna be better... in all the aspects....
today also the weather is simply AWFUL, so there is nothing better but stay at home...and do an update...AT LAST! :)

and first card comes from Chile, sent by Daniela, for the favourites tag

the view is just amazing! i love this contrast of the houses in the green surrounding, with the caped-in-snow volcano in the back!
The card shows the Osorno volcano, which is a 2,652 m tall conical strato-volcano and is one of the most active volcanoes of the southern Chilean Andes, with 11 eruptions recorded between 1575 and 1869.
The upper slopes of the volcano are almost entirely covered in glaciers despite its very modest altitude and latitude, sustained by the substantial snowfall in the very moist maritime climate of the region.

there are two really lovely stamps on the card, both issued in 2011.
the colourful one commemorates the centenary of UPAEP, while the mailbox is also from the UPAEP series.

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