
Tuesday, January 31, 2012


I had things to read for work tonight...but on my way home i realized I had forgotten the folder at work, with all the documents..and i honestly didnt feel like going I guess it was meant to be that i relax a bit tonight :)

so i thought I could use the time and post some idea, no? :P

I dont often receive cards from Luxembourg, so it was a great delight to receive this lovely surprise from Peggy!
The card shows some nice places in the city of the top left corner you can see La Vieille to it is the Marché-aux-Herbes, while below are Pulvermuehl and Les Trois Glands.

So it means that there are some really nice sites in Luxembourg of which i barely know anything...coz I just cant seem to get rid of the idea that Luxembourg is not just one small street but has much more to offer than that...

the stamp is from a set of two issued last year, commemorating the Dynasty 2011...and this is Prince Guillaume.

Thank you so much again Peggy for making my mailbox happy! :)

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