
Saturday, October 8, 2011

Market Day, Malaysia

next is another official, this time coming from Malaysia...


the card is called 'Market Day - Malaysian Style'.
such a great variety of products....and organized in such a nice way, that you could just enjoy your time by walking around, satisfying your visual and smelling senses....having difficulties in deciding what to actually buy absolutely stunning place for me!

and a fantastic matching stamp...with a lovely cancellation too! these two se-tenant stamps are a part of 8 issued in 2010, showing local markets. Here on these two, you can see the Pasar Siti Khadijah in Kelantan.
The cancellation corresponds to the stamp and actually shows the date when this set was issued! Im pretty amazed that the sender could have done this, since I got this card this year, not in 2010. And it is frustrating that such cancellations are not really available here :(


agi said...

kompletna razglednica je prekrasna :) i mene muče te special cancellation - pitan se ima li toga baren u zagrebu u glavnoj pošti...

Four-eyed-missy said...

Ana, fantastic display of markets around the world! I myself love going to markets - the sights, the smell, the noise, they are truly wonders! I love what the postcrosser from Malaysia did. She probably had the postcards ready and had the special postmarks custom made? I want to do the same for my postcards, too!!
Oh my goodness, I am so jealous of your Spanish holiday. I don't know if I told you already but my husband loves Spain and we are in the early process of securing dox needed to live there. Hope it will push through, as currently,the situation in Europe is not that good.

Ana said...

Agi, ako nađeš neki spešl cancellation, molim te bar mi ga na jednu markicu stavi :) hvala ti unapred!

Movng to Spain amiga?? :O Really?! Ha! Can I come and visit you? And 'borrow' a couch for a few nights? :D

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