
Saturday, October 8, 2011

Maputo, Mozambique

It is an awfully cold and rainy day today...temperatures drastically dropped over changed...and rather ruined my plan to go to the PO (and I have bunch of pending mail ....)
well, weather like this calls for staying at before I get down to cleaning, and do stuff for work (yeah, even though it is the weekend), ill show you some cards.

And I like making thematic updates every now and then (depending on the cards I have available, and if I realize I could do it in the first place).
For today I decided to show you some lovely markets....a really great way to take an insight into a country's way of living...

and Ill start with the central market in downtown Maputo, Mozambique's capital and its largest city as well.
The stands remind me of the markets we have here, though this one displays much more exotic fruits, plus believe it or not, it is cleaner!
This market is a hub of activity selling all kinds of goods, from handicrafts, basketware and carvings, to fruit and vegetables, a variety of seafood and many household items needed for everyday use.
Similar to the markets here, where apart from fruits and vegetables, you can buy a plethora of other stuff including clothes, shoes, gadgets, cosmetics, tools....

If i ever get the chance to visit Maputo, this market would definitely be somewhere high on the list.

Thanks a lot to Goran who had arranged for this lovely card to be sent to me (along with another card and a lovely cover :))


Sheila @ A Postcard a Day said...

I think markets are one of my favourite things, both in real life and as subjects for postcards. This one is fantastically colourful but I like the more "ordinary" ones too - a slice of life.

Ana said...

I like them all...they all seem to portray life and culture from various aspects :)

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