
Thursday, June 2, 2011


Quite shocking how time just blink, and you realize it is almost two weeks that have past since the last update....where did the time go, I have no idea...even last weekend I didnt seem to have the time to post some cards...
well, seems it's gonna be a busy weekend...I was supposed to go out of town, but I guess that plan goes down the drain...I feel disappointed in a way, but I guess next time....

anyways, before I dive into lots of work again (and maybe some other nice eventful things), Ill relax with some coffee and some cards....where the first one coming from a, for me, new country in my collection...and this time it is Mayotte...well, if it is French related, then it is most probably thanks to Jean-Pierre :)

this card with nice colours shows one of my very favourite scents...her majesty, the `vanilla`!! I LOVE vanilla flavoured stuff (years ago, when I was into the McDonald's thing, I always preferred the vanilla milkshake to the chocolate one....nowadays I stay away from Mc as far as possible...)...I enjoy all sorts of bath foams and body lotions which are vanilla scented...and right now I have three small vanilla scented candles...the only vanilla thing I probably dont like is its concentrate, or in its raw form, coz then I think it doesnt taste even close to the taste it has in ice-creams and chocolates...I guess it is the same as my beloved coconut...

Here on the card you have an example of the vanilla fruit, in dried form, and believe it or not, it is the second most expensive spice, after the saffron...I just am not sure if this card is placed in the right position or if its upside down...but I guess it doesnt make some drastic difference either way...

and here come the precious stamps....with perfectly clear cancellations...they are a part of a small sheet of 4 stamps titled hair-dressings...really cool!


viridian said...

Wow great stamps! perfect for next week's Sunday stamps.

Heather said...

I am so in love with this postcard!

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