
Monday, April 25, 2011


Well, finally, this long weekend is coming to an end general, it was a really nice and relaxing one, with lots of sun and fun and im thankful to my friends for making it such...
From tomorrow, things are going back to reality and my teeth cringe when I think about how much work is waiting for me...well, next weekend will be another longer one due to Labour Day...but the week after...uhh, dont even want to think about it from now...ill deal with it when the time comes...
and since im enjoying a nice relaxed evening, i decided to share a few more cards with you....and i am starting with a new country in my collection!!! and not just in my collection, but in reality, this country is a rather new one, not even one year old...

And this card comes from Glenn as a memorabilia to his cruise (of which im HIGHLY jealous! :P) If only you know what are all the places he had visited, youd be envious too...;-)
Well, one of Glenn's stops was Curaçao.....a country which used to be part of the Netherlands Antilles until last October and nowadays is considered as a constituent country within the Kingdom of the Netherlands.
And as I had already said before, im happy to actually have cards from the former Netherlands Antilles...something that now is no more possible to happen....
I dont know where in Curaçao this place is, but feels rather touristy, though empty in a way....just like Skopje was this past 4 days! So empty and so tranquil, it was a real pleasure to actually spend time in this city for a change..but unfortunately, the chaos is coming back from tomorrow...

now down to the stamps...the left one was issued in 2010, and is called New Constitution...which is pretty self-explanatory I think...the other stamp is from the Netherlands Antilles times (I guess these still can be used as long as you use a Curaçao stamp too). The NA stamp is also from 2010 from a set of 10 definitives representing fruits.

Thanks so much again Glenn!! It is always such a pleasure to find your cards in my mailbox! 


Bryon D said...

I love the art deco look of the card!

Anu said...

Those colourful houses are so pretty!

asdfpostcrossing said...

colorful buildings look smeller to your site :D

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