
Tuesday, July 20, 2010


A FANTASTIC Maxi Card I got from Sara!

I am not exactly sure which railway line is shown here, but however, it was Manfred Luckmann who had kindly provided this lithography to be used for the Maxi Card. As for the stamp on it, it was issued this year in a set of two railway stamps. Cancelled with a special cancellation in Bern, on 6th May 2010.
In case you understand German, here is the link provided on the back, where you can get lots of additional information, enjoy the pictures and whatever not...of course, that is in the case you love trains :)

Here are the two stamps which helped this Maxi Card arrive to me.
The one on the left was issued in 2008 in a set of 4 Cereals' stamps, this one representing Wheat, while the other one is from a set of 4 special stamps issued this year regarding the Centenary of Aviation in Switzerland. This particular stamp represents Geo Chavez who was a Franco-Peruvian aviator. At a young age, he achieved fame for his aeronautical feats. He died in 1910 while attempting the first air crossing of the Alps.


Dani said...

Те чекаат блогерски карти за Норвешка. Со воз :)

Пауза од Фб а? Ако.

Ana said...

да да, ФБ off for a few days!

тенк ју фор д трејн рајд :)

Dani said...

Ју ар уелкм! Кога и да посакаш рајд, ќе најдам некој залутан тикет. А дека те чекат посткардовите, те чекат. Туку дај на време да си ги најдам.

Ех зборам како нашинец шо живее 2 год у аустралија и дојде у мк и вика ајде да го кроснеме стритот...;)))


Zasa Lein said...

dear ana,
it's an unesco card as well :)

Ana said...

thank you Zasa! I had missed that somehow :)

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