
Monday, April 19, 2010


No I shouldnt be blogging, should be doing other more important stuff...but oh is not gonna be the first time i go astray....and my mind feels astray either way..

And with all the latest chaos the Iceland-issue has caused i just had to post this and sort of ciommemorate the event.
Well, I love Iceland and unlike many people, i cant go with all those sarcastic comments regarding it...of course, i havent been stranded at some airport for days....maybe if i have, i would have been bitter....but it is not like Iceland did it on purpose, no?
What amazes me is the speed and the extent to which this volcanic ash has spread to...they say it will affect our country as well...
Nature is such an amazing thing and so terrifying and destructive as well...this issue with Iceland honestly amazes long as im on the safe side of course :)
And then there are the endless debates over whether the flight bans have been justified or no, whether it is safe to fly or no, ...whether i should mail my overseas mail or no...Europe mail goes by land either way...and of course, the issue of the amount of money is always about the money in the end...
They say that back in the 19th century, when this volcano erupted, the whole thing lasted for 2 years....can you imagine the nowadays world with a 2 years flight ban?


Gunnvá K.Áargarð said...

Yeah, I have thought about that 2 year long ash spread. That possibility scares me some, cause we are right next to Iceland, and so reliant on airplane transport. Right now the only way of the islands is one ferry, and it cannot take all the people that now want a ride. But it is interesting none the less.
But I hope it blows over soon.
And yes, it is rather ironic how everything is counted in money.

Postcards Crossing said...

I hope the ashfall won't last for two years. I really cannot imagine that! I continue to pray the eruption would cease and that the people are safe from harm.

Enjoy your Sunday, amiga :D

Postcards Crossing said...

Ana, pardon the wrong link. It should be I think I clicked the button too soon :/

Martinha said...

I hope the cloud won't last for 1 month, or it will ruin my holidays, i want to go to Italy.
Right now the cloud is causing problems in Portugal. One of my aunts was supposed to fly from Switzerland to Lisbon, she was already in the plane and she received the news that she had to take a bus because the flights to Lisbon were canceled.
Cross your fingers for me, i want to go to Rome next month.

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