
Friday, February 19, 2010

Guanajuato, Mexico

I feel like i have so many things to say, yet i dont know where to start....hopefully, the choice of cards will help me with it...

well, after a while, here is a precious Mexican card. actually I have several of them now, but i dont know why it took me so long to make the choice for a one....i guess i was keeping them possessively to myself.
It wouldnt have been THAT much of a great deal to post this card, but once more,  something happened which makes me believe that there are no coincidences......there is something out there which makes things happen with a reason.....I actually picked the cards for this update (whenever  I would have the chance to make it)....but I had way too much work to the in the meantime, so not until now I was able to post them...anyways, I pick the cards last Sunday, deciding to finally show a Mexican one....and then on Monday I wake up and Im left in disbelief with something that happened...after all this time...was i supposed to pick a Mexican card in order to invoke the spirits and make the world turn the way it did so the thing that happened, to happen? I know that this post will make a certain person cringe and hate me for this post, but oh well...
I know that right now you are probably dying of curiosity to know what happened.....but sorry, wont tell it :)
Its one of those things that you just find it hard to believe really happened, and you feel that if you talk about it loud, you will just disturb the good spirits and it will burst the bubble....but I just couldnt post this Mexican card without actually bringing this issue up.....

As for the card itself, its a very cool one! And its even a UNESCO, since it shows the historic part of Guanajuato. Here is shown a cemetery which is quite well-known for the mummies produced by unknown means. About 1 in 100 bodies buried here experienced natural mummification.  In the late 1800s the town instituted a "burial tax" for the families of the deceased. When some of the poorest families were unable to pay the tax, their relatives were dug up and placed on public view in a purpose-built museum. The museum holds 111 corpses resting on velvet pillows. Today, it is reported that the proceeds from the museum help fund the city's coffers to a considerable degree.

This card actually came from Rosa, who had already sent me this official amazing Mexican map card. And apart from another great card, I totally love the stamps too!

 the stamps are more than great, esp the train ones! Though unfortunately, i couldnt manage to find the exact info why or when they were issued...there is this confusing thing about these Mexican stamps, since they have two years indicated on them, and unfortunately, i couldnt find them in either section. As for the two stamps on top,, they are rather familiar I think....the Mexican post office issues these definitives each year, representing Arts and Antiques and Handicrafts....the ones on the card are from 2008


Chris Overstreet said...

Totally sweet. My neighbors are from Guanajuato and keep inviting me along to their visits home (haven't gone yet).... They keep bringing up the mummies as an additional inducement to go along.

Ana said...

Go Go Go!!!!! And send me a postcard :D

Dani said...

ууфффф знам како е со invoking spirits или како и да го наречам тоа мистериозно дејствување на нештата...имаvедна непријатна случка..сакав за 18ти роденден да си правам журка и си викам ќе си ставам насекаде миризливи свеќи и се уфурав у филм и се арно, поканив друштво, кога ете на денот дедо ми почина :( ..и така сакав свеќи и си добив! ;(((( тоа е...
отсекогаш ми е чудна (сега веќе и прифатена) идејата дека се е поврзано со се и сешто и секој..нема случајности..

се надевам тебе на фино ти се свртел денот ;))))

Ana said...

баш ми е жал за дедо ти...и тоа баш на таков ден :(
ја не можам да си го објаснам тој феномен дека се е поврзано...дури и најбезначајни ситуации што некогаш се случуваат, од после кога ќе си го вратиш филмот, страшно е кога ќе сфатиш колку таа безначајна ситуација предизвикала понатамошен тек на нештата
Многу пати и ја онака ќе се уфурам свесно или несвесно у некој филм, о одеднаш ќе ме пресече нешто, баш заради тие invoking spirits...дури и онака, гризам јазик, као демек не сум помислила на ништо :)

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