
Saturday, September 26, 2009

Dabai, Nigeria

it's weekend time! which means its update time! though if we are to be fair, 7 days ago was also a weekend time and i should have made an update already, but taken all the circumstances in account, id be happy if i manage this one...time is just not on my side...but thanks for still dropping by every now and then to check if there are some news...

and since i had to have a time gap here, i thought it would be nice to give this blog a treat with a new country...which is also not one of those countries i thought id have a chance to have a card from, written and stamped, any time soon...but i actually have two now ;) So here comes the first one...
It shows a Local Market in the Dabai Village in Nigeria, where Markets of this kind are very common in Nigeria, as well as Africa in general...if we are to assess the hygiene factor, im not sure i would give this place a high-rank...but i guess thats how these markets work..
My whole Nigeria-postcard thing didnt start off very nice, but fortunately, ended up well...and im happy to actually have two written and stamped Nigerian cards...since due to politics, i almost gave up on them, but here we were able to fix the misunderstanding and send each other cards.
Ok, i wont pretend that im full of knowledge about Nigeria....coz im not....i still dont know why i admit such stuff publicly though...
Nigeria is said to be the most populous country in Africa and as well the most popular 'black' country in the world with over 150 million people living there. But believe it or not, in Nigeria, the human rights are still at a very poor level and many abuses are done from the side of the government officials. As some of the most significant human rights' problems are considered to be: extrajudicial killings and use of excessive force by security forces; impunity for abuses by security forces; arbitrary arrests; prolonged pretrial detention; judicial corruption and executive influence on the judiciary; rape, torture and other cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment of prisoners, detainees and suspects; harsh and life‑threatening prison and detention center conditions; human trafficking for the purpose of prostitution and forced labor; societal violence and vigilante killings; child labor, child abuse and child sexual exploitation; female genital mutilation (FGM); domestic violence; discrimination based on sex, ethnicity, region and religion; restrictions on freedom of assembly, movement, press, speech and religion; infringement of privacy rights; and the abridgement of the right of citizens to change the government.


the stamp on the right was issued in 2004 and comes from a set of 4 under the subject of Children's Postage Stamp Designs - Education the Great Liberator (Umaru Jessica). The other one was issued in 2007 regarding the  the 24th UPU (Universal Postal Union) Congress in Nairobi 2008. It shows a man and a woman and the caption reads South-South Zone Costume.

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