
Monday, August 10, 2009


Here is one of the many lovely maps in mu collection, waiting to see the light of the blog :) I hope you map-card lovers arent too jealous...;)
Have i ever told you that my mum used to work as an au-pair in Switzerland when she was young...somewhere in her twenties.
She had been taking care of this small boy, i dont recall his name, but i know he was blond and adorable. And of course, my mum had loved it there...and said how you can just leave your shoes or bike in front of your door and they will be there next time you need to pick them up...compared to here, they'll find a way to steal your bike from a chain-locked basement.
My mum knows French, so that really helped her to get around in Switzerland (im not really sure in which city she stayed though) and in general, it was much easier back then to find a job like that abroad...nowadays, bureaucracy is gonna rip your head off.
And one day when she went to the post office, since she wanted to make a call home of course...she was waiting and waiting and waiting for the operator to get her the connection...and eventually she asked what was taking so long...the operator replied 'well be patient cant get Africa so easily....'??????
Hmmm...back then it wasnt even was Yugoslavia...and Yugoslavia was much widely known than Macedonia is today...and Switzerland wasnt so far from the border with could she possibly think that Yugoslavia is in Africa...and i complain about the ignorance people have today...


Dom said...

I think a lot of people mix up Sweden and Switzerland. My friend who lives in Sweden bought something on ebay and even though he gave the seller his address the packet went to Switzerland!

Evelyn Yvonne Theriault said...

I particularly enjoyed the heraldic shield on this card. I didn't know Switzerland had so many!
Evelyn in Montreal

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