
Thursday, August 13, 2009


Yes, it is my first Macau card indeed...and i love it :)

Macau in a great deal reminds me of my childhood...i had this set of books called Chinese/Japanese/Vietnamese etc traditional i somewhat read a lot about this part of the world, yet it was Macau which as a name left the deepest prints into my not sure why...but its name reminds me of a huge cup of hot-chocolate...
As for the card, you can see the Statue of Kun Iam which is the most impressive and magnificent of the three most famous temples of Macau (the other two are A-Ma Temple and Lin Fung Temple). With a history dating back as early as 1632 in the Ming Dynasty (1368 - 1644), it has many similarities with ancient Chinese temples. It is also known as the site of the first Sino-American treaty which was signed in 1844.

Kun Iam Temple has three main shrines suited one behind another. It consists of one Hall of Sakyamuni, one Buddha of Longevity Hall and one Kun Iam Hall with several small shrines around these three main halls. Facing the gate of the Buddhist monastery, the Hall of Sakyamuni is dedicated with three gilded statues. The statue of Sakyamuni sits in the middle. A bronze bell, over 300 years old, hangs beside the hall. Buddha of Longevity adorns the Longevity Hall. Serene and mild, this statue is a symbol of Buddha's purpose: to deliver all living creatures from torment. Kun Iam Hall is the most important hall of the temple. Kun Iam, arrayed in embroidered silk and in crown, is flanked by the Eighteen Buddhas. One of them is said to be carved in the image of Marco Polo who studied Buddhism in the temple.

At the back of the temple are terraced gardens. The first Sino-American treaty Wong Ha (Wangxia) Treaty was signed on one of the stone desks here. In addition, many calligraphic masterpieces and cultural relics are brought together in this temple.

the great stamp comes from a set of 8 definitives issued in 2008, with the World Heritage as their subject.


SOe said...

I had a postcard which was missent to Macau :-)

Unknown said...

thanks for the information
i will try to have one can you guide me....please

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