
Thursday, July 16, 2009

Minnesota, USA

The thoughtfulness of people sending official cards and sending me something which perfectly fits into my wishlist and of course, increases the number of map cards i have!


No Facts and Figures on the back of the card....there are some on the front, in case you can manage to read them.
here is what it says:
- State Flower: Moccasin Flower  (first time i hear about it...)
- State Capital: St. Paul (im honestly AWFUL with the US-capitals issue)
- Motto: State of the North

Well, not much info given here, except that it also says its the Land of 10,000 Lakes. Thats something fascinating. But I have to say that my knowledge about Minnesota is really ignorant...the only times i actually come across it, is when sometimes i happen to hear on the news something about NBA and they mention something about the team.
Hmm, ive found some nice facts about Minnesota, but id rather spare them for some other time, in case i receive another different Minnesota map card, which would have those on the back.

I think ive already mentioned some of these stamps here, but this time i think that the one in the top right corner is worth mentioning, especially since it shows Alaska :)
Its a really nice stamp, issued in 2001, coming from the Scenic American Landscape-series, featuring Mt. McKinley.


Mothra (Martha Decker) said...

The Minnesota State Flower pictured on the postcard is the Showy Lady Slipper. The card has it wrong.

The Minnesota State Motto is actually a French phrase, "L'Étoile du Nord" which means "Star of the North" in English.

Minnesota is known as the "Land of 10,000 Lakes" but we actually have 11,842 lakes that are 10 acres or larger. Our state is a beautiful place to live.

There are lots of Minnesota map postcards out there. I don't have any actual postcards, but my Minnesota Postcards board on Pinterest displays images of quite a few of them. Follow the link and go into the "Statewide" section to see the Minnesota map cards.

Have fun!
Martha Decker

Ana said...

thanks for correcting it! tsk tsk, and one would think they could rely on the information on cards :)))
I really should cross check the information in general, but sometimes i feel too lazy and then i would wonder which one has it actually right :D

Mothra (Martha Decker) said...

Heh heh, well actually I was probably more wrong about the Minnesota State Flower's name than the card was. Moccasin Flower was (and still is, apparently) another name for any variety of lady slipper flower. The "official" name, though, is Showy Lady Slipper. The Showy is also sometimes referred to as the Pink Lady Slipper. We have yellow ones and pure white ones in Minnesota, too. Maybe even more varieties.

Regardless of the name or variety, they are all very beautiful flowers. :-)

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