
Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Lahemaa, Estonia

A really nice card from Janek...though i had no idea what Lahemaa actually was until i searched the info for it. On the first glimpse, it reminded me of a summer resort i went to when i was in the 1st grade :)

But Lahemaa is the oldest and largest national park in Estonia, representing the nature and cultural heritage, typical of this country. And on the card you can see the Sheds for fishing nets at the Altja fishing village. It is an example of the fishermen village and life style as it has been in the old days and as it is now, Altja is so-called living coastal village and it dates back from the 15th century.
There is one place i came across, where the farmhouses in this village are said to remind of *gingerbread houses from fairyland*. Cute description :)

and here come two great stamps, where the one on the right is just fascinating!
The small stamp on the left was issued in 1996 and shows an Icebreaker called Suur Tõll, which is the only surviving steamship from Estonia’s prewar period of independence, a symbol of the continuity of Estonian seafaring.
The huge stamp on the right is from the 2004 EUROPA issue, simply called Holiday, representing the sport of Windsurfing just as one of the many leisure activities you can do while on holiday.
I have a story to share with you regarding the Macedonian EUROPA issues...but ill leave it for some other post with a EUROPA stamp...its not a nice story anyway...though i think it needs to be shared, esp. with all those stamp collectors out there who are particularly interested in the EUROPA issues.
Thank you Janek, for the great card and the fabulous stamps!

1 comment:

ulvikaru said...

Dear Ana!

I am glad by showing some nice places of my little country! :) Hope you can visit them someday soon. :)

Meanwhile I will read your great blog. :D

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