
Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Tioman Island, Malaysia

Huh, i dont know about you...but whenever the school semester is approaching to its end, im becoming more and more impatient for it to be over, longing for some break, wanting to get away from everything and everyone...wouldnt mind if i end up at a place like this one...

this is one of those places which you can call, the paradise of Earth...or thats how the image of paradise is portrayed through the travel agents'. But it is indeed amazing, and i have it thanks to my dear Lyan :) And thats just coz i had it on my wishlist ;)
Hmm, well, ok, some education time...since i missed it with some of my students (coz they were just in some chatty mood) i guess i will still need to fulfill my required dosage of teaching and you happen to be the victims..yeah, i can be cruel and mean sometimes :)
Tioman is a small island in the state of Pahang. Its beaches were depicted in the 1958 movie,"South Pacific" as Bali Hai. Well, i havent heard of this nor i know this tune (im not very movie-wise since I rarely watch TV honestly, but Bali Hai reminded me of another song, i thought is worth sharing:

i think that the song does indeed create an atmosphere of being on a beautiful tropical island...and i have a great respect for Charlotte and her voice, too bad i hadnt found a reason to share her with you before...

According to legend, Tioman Island is the resting place of a beautiful dragon princess. Whilst flying from China to visit her prince in Singapore this beautiful maiden stopped to seek solace in the crystal-clear waters of the South China Sea.Enraptured by the charms of the place, she decided to discontinue her journey. By taking the form of an island, she pledged to offer shelter and comfort to passing travelers.

Hmm, i wonder if her prince wasnt killed from worries while waiting for her :)
Btw, while we are at the educating point...Lyan, i need your help with some blog diagnosis ended up with 697 urls restricted by robots...i have no idea why...i used to have a few but they always decreased and increased and never went over 40 or so...sooooo, i was wondering if i could get some insight on this coz its annoying me, esp. since i have no idea where did the problem arise all of a sudden and its getting worse every day...rapidly =|

I like the unusual stamp format. Its from a 2008 issue, belonging to the Cultural Instruments and Artefacts, Series II.  This one here represents a Coconut Grater or "Kukur Kelapa" (I suppose thats how you call it in Malaysian....)
The coconut grater was once a very important tool in every Malay household as coconut milk is an essential ingredient in Malay cooking. Although its usage by the city folk have reduced due to the preference of electric tools, this tool is still much in use in the outskirts.
Some myths about "kukur" is that it is either male or female. Women are not allowed to use male "kukur" especially during major feasts.
Lyan...thank you!!!!! :)


ilyani said...

heyyyyyy DRAGON PRINCESS????? :D where did you get this from lol. I didnt know about dragon in Tioman, but I did hear something related with dragons.. in Chini lake, also in Pahang.. I really would love to see a dragon!!! :D hahahaha

and the kukur, do they have genders?? at home we still have one (nothing with that artsy carving though), funny isnt it but my mom is really traditional and I somehow have to inherit the ability to use that thing, which sounds so oh wasting time coz you can just easily get coconut milk from the shop. hmm well apart of the milk sometimes we need just grated coconuts.. so it can come in handy afterall.

btw.. "how you call it in Malaysian....)" sorry I have to point this but if you speak about a language then it's Malay rather than Malaysian :) Malaysian is about the country, Malaysian stamp, Malaysian postcard, yes.

and emm am sorry but I have no idea about "diagnosis ended up with 697 urls restricted by robots".. are you talking about spams?? haha dont be angry if it's not it.. what makes you think I would know this thing lol :P do you have to do diagnosis with blogs?

Ana said...

you know, i was trying SO hard to do the Malay/Malaysian thing right, that i knew it i would get it wrong always happens when i try too hard :D

hmmm, the diagnosis thing...thats the bad thing about being too curious and wanting to know everything...thats how i ended up on the google webmasters page and thats where all the info regarding your web page can be found when it comes to stats, indexed pages and blah blah blah...not that i need it for any professional just felt handy, to the extent i can understand those stuff, and now ive been noticing something happening, and i have no idea WHY or WHAT is going on, and its just freaking me out :)))) hey, you are the one that comes to my mind when any internet/blog issues arise :) and thats a compliment ;)

ilyani said...

hahaha thanks for compliment, but I am a wrong person. thing is I am not using Google webmaster myself.. dont have a proper website to take care anyway., and the blogs, oh come on.. they're just sappy time-kicking places and I dont get many visitors anyway, so I dont need to investigate much about them :P plus when I wanted to do the thing with Google web long ago I guess Wordpress didnt allow it.. hmmm but I just found somewhere someone says there's a way,.. well i might go and try sometimes ;)

ilyani said...

oh yayy I managed to get into it! now *I* have to consult with you regarding blogs ;) haha. I still cant figure what they are crawling and checking the urls for.. I mean I never thought I'd want to know all the technical details about the blogs.. it seems just funny.
anyway have you checked this?
it's just the google bot couldnt go checking some urls in your site but there's nothing wrong about it.. something to do with robots.txt file (still dont know what the hell this thing is).. then again it doesnt look like an error.

Ana said...

huh, now i have dropped down to 604 urls restricted...see, this is the part thats 'annoying'...not that the technical part is of some great significance to me, but i hate it when something is happening and i have no idea WHY :))) And not just with this, but anything....

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