
Thursday, May 14, 2009

Alberta, Canada

A beautiful Alberta sunset covers fields of barley with an orange glow....

Really nice view...and whenever i look at this field, i get a feeling that the barley actually feels like cashmere, and when you bring it close to your face, you just rub it and it feels sooo tender and smooth...just like some clothes you had washed and you had used some beautifully scented fabric softener...i love using those when i wash my clothes...afterwards they smell fantastic and feel so soft....I used to use one chocolate scented softener and boy, i had an itch to literally eat my was amazingly good!! Unfortunately, i havent been able to find it in the shops afterwards....apart from one flower-scented, i also have a Vanilla fabric softener in the bathroom...but i think that the chocolate one is irreplaceable....unless i come across a coconut scented one...then i might change my opinion :)
No stamp on this card...i guess Canada has a lack of stamps as well sometimes....or just has some lazy postal clerks....
I know that according to the rules, all international mail here HAS to have stamps on it...and that its the postal-workers' duty to do that if i lets say hand them out my mail with no stamps...but i know its a way too risky thing to do, so i always try to get my stamps ahead, and sometimes i need to visit a bunch of post-offices before i actually find ones....but so far i think i actually havent failed in it...and i hope i wont in the future as well

Thanks for reading...and wish me all the good luck in the world in your gonna need it....

1 comment:

C. Fraser said...

well, i must comment here, seeing as i am one of those lazy postal clerks! =) what you have there is a postage meter. businesses that send alot of mail get these metering machines and then they send their letters through the machine and they get this stamp, and then the business gets billed by canada post. so really, its more the fault of the lazy business who can't be bothered to buy real stamps! =D

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