
Friday, March 6, 2009

Ohrid, Macedonia

Here is something for UNESCO collectors....homemade! :)))
This is the Samuel's Fortress in Ohrid...well, its not exactly in the centre of the town, but you would need to lose some calories till you climb there, but its worth it! (ehh, its soo nice when you can write an opinion about something due to personal experience and not based on what you've read or the impression you;ve received about it).

During King Samuel's reign (976-1014 A.D.) Ohrid was the capital of the first state of the Macedonian Slavs. Samuel’s Fortress in Ohrid dates back to the 3rd century and initially had three entrance gates, of which only one, the Upper Gate, has been preserved to this day. Before and after Samuel’s reign, the fortress had been demolished and rebuilt several times.
The highest part of Ohrid, which is 100 meters above the lake level, is surrounded by 10-16m high walls, built of stone, lime, and sand from the lake, and two defense towers.
After the arrival of colonizers from Asia, led by their commander Mino, the town started spreading outside the walls, on the surrounding plain.

There is a legend about tzar Samuel which ive known since i was little.
In the many battles fought back then, Samuel's army was defeated by the Byzantines and all the 14000 men in the army had been completely blinded...each 100th soldier had been left with one eye only in order to be able to guide the others back home. When Samuel saw his people blinded, they say he died of a shock and broken heart.

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