
Monday, February 23, 2009


Brrrr brrrr brrrrrr.....its soooo terribly cold here that my blood freezes when i go wonder im having a cold and feel so not well....i wonder if the fact im constantly hungry has something to do with it as well...

Well...maybe here its terribly cold outside, but thats why here we have a nice tropical Jamaican postcard to at least for a moment, warm my bones....and make me think that my sneezing may be coming as a hay-fever not coz of illness...
And shall i tell you that this is actually my first Jamaican postcard and that we are going up on the list of countries received...which means a step closer to the number of 100 and a step closer to the contest??!! Well, its not a million dollar question contest...i stole the idea from Glenn in Canada...and i DO like such contests and all...just hopefully it will work out well...
the first thing that comes to my mind when you say 'Jamaica' is Bob Marley....but dont worry...i wont be posting any "No Woman No Cry" things...Bob's ok....but im not really in the mood for a Marley kind of music right now..
the second thing that comes to my mind, are the Jamaican athletes...the runners in particular...i watched parts of the Beijing Olympics last year and the Jamaicans have amazed me....they are like the fastets nation on Earth!  Not only i CANT run that fast, but i run out of breath like after two minutes of running :| 
On the other hand, i can go cycling for hours and feel just perfect about it....esp if i have music with me, then i really can lose track of time...its one of the loveliest things in the world...which reminds me that i need to get my bike in an operating condition...and either fix my discman or get myself a new mp3 player...or an iPod....iPods look really sleek and sexy...need to think about it...

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I am envious of your Jamaican postcard! It's also very cold here, and I can't wait for winter to end. Hope you stay warm and feel better! :)

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