
Thursday, February 19, 2009

Die Küste, Germany

The three cards of his post come from a series called "Die Küste, märchenhaft betrachtet von der Künstlerin Karin Blume"
There are actually a number of these cards and i would like to have them all if if anyone has other ones except the 3 featured here, id be glad to trade :)

Few days ago i promised you that with my next German card, ill tell you how things are going on with MY German and lessons and all...
Well, i am proud to announce that i finished my fist level...and passed my test with 109 points out of 120 possible...i think thats satisfactory, esp. if we have in mind that i didnt actually revise for it...i intended to, but evenually got carried out with work and stuff and neglected my first when i looked at the test i had this blank look...but after i focused enough, it all came back to me, and i could figure it out...the parts i had most trouble with...articles...and the plural...that German plural seems so impossible!! As if it wasnt enough those 'die, der, das' are so troublesome, the plural itself has to try my patience...why would someone think of different kinds of plural for the nouns...i mean, English has an '-s' ending, we have the '-i' ending...why would German have several endings, plus other changes in the noun included!? Duh...that makes it more challenging though...if i was just a good enough student and sat down and went thoroughly through it...

the only problem right now is that my second level is put under a question mark....i may not be able to continue with it, at least not at the current place...two of the guys for some reason stopped coming and actually ignored all calls and messages that our Lehrerin sent them...two other guys said they cant manage anymore coz of working schedules and they have no time and are way too busy and blah blah...i wouldnt miond going to another place...problem is, i cant fit it into MY schedule :-( and I really wouldnt want to quit just now when it started so well, and when im so willing to dedicate myself to it and when i found out that im actually good at even considering applying for a summer school course in Germany....or should i consider Spanish courses in Mexico...hmmm....i doubt the latter one would be appreciated by someone else...though i would love to go... 

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