
Friday, October 10, 2008

Sarajevo, Bosnia & Hercegovina

I have to say I got really worried when i figured out how many postcards i have in the back which need to be enriched with some writing....its impossible to manage them all and i keep wondering, what the hell was I thinking back then...couldnt I have slowed down instead of uploading so many cards?! So im, trying to pull forward cards as often as I can (of course, regarding if the country is appropriate and would be rather silly to bring forward US or Montenegro cards, or any others from where I already have cards pending to be uploaded). But i hopefully will manage with them New Year at least :)))

And ive also figured out that i owe ZERO postcards addressed to me, from Bosnia...which i wouldnt have thought of it as much of a big deal, unless Bosnia wasnt a part of Former Yugoslavia, and since I consider Yugoslavia as my own country (even though its not existent anymore) its really a shame for me to actually not have a postcard from all its former I should be definitely working on it...if anyone from Bosnia is willing to help out, you know what to do....
Btw, I dont even have a recent card from there either....Im not exactly sure when this card dates from, there is no date on it, neither the stamp is cancelled, but give or take, its older than 20 years!
It was given to me by my across-the-street neighbour...I have no idea why she had given this to me, if my mum had mentioned that i collect cards or something else...but its mine now :)

1 comment:

EddieGunner said...

ooo ovo je jedna o stariji slika mozda 70te ili 80te eh sad to i nije od neke pomoci, ali ovde ima plaza nabendbasi danas toga nema

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