
Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Rio de Janeiro, Brazil

"Her name is Rio and she dances on the sand..."

to some, mentioning Rio, would suggest first thought at mentioning Rio is that Duran Duran song....i guess i just often relate stuff to music....or books

The card shows the Lapa Arches, which is an important touristic place.

The Lapa Arches (Arcos da Lapa) in Rio de Janeiro were built in the 18th century colonial period as an aqueduct. The 42 double-tiered, white arches stretch for 270 metres and nowadays carry trams south from the city centre up to the hilltop neighbourhood of Santa Teresa.

Lapa is a neighbourhood near the downtown with an intensive nightlife, with lots of pubs, restaurants and discos.

well...i started with Duran lets finish with is the full song....

Rio - Duran Duran

pam pam pararam pam pam....pam pam pam pam pam.....

obviously Duran Duran have songs which fit into my posts :)

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